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Lagume News
- ‘I have a billion of these in my garden’
- 100+ tubers got stuck along Salt River, sheriff says
- 100+ tubers rescued from Salt River after large branch blocks pathway
- 12 Types of Legumes to Know
- 5 Healthiest Beans And Legumes, According to Dietitians
- 8 Benefits of Sweet Potatoes, Plus Facts and Nutrition
- A complex biostimulant based on plant flavonoids enhances potato growth and commercial yields
- A machine learning system to identify progress level of dry rot disease in potato tuber based on digital thermal image processing
- Antifungal activity of 2-chloro-5-trifluoromethoxybenzeneboronic acid and inhibitory mechanisms on Geotrichum candidum from sour rot Xiaozhou mustard root tuber
- Are Legumes Good for People with Diabetes?
- Are Legumes Good for Weight Management?
- Are There Any Health Risks Associated with Consuming Legumes?
- Assessing heat tolerance in potatoes: Responses to stressful Texas field locations and controlled contrasting greenhouse conditions
- Biostimulants and herbicides a tool to reduce non-commercial yield tubers and improve potato yield structure
- Black Potato Farming Turns Into A Profitable Tuber Trend For MP Farmers
- Cable operator turns stress relief into tuber cultivation success | Mangaluru News
- Chinese scientists grow ‘climate-proof’ potatoes as global warming soars
- Contribution, Utilization, and Improvement of Legumes-Driven Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Agricultural Systems
- Dahlias bringing beauty, lots of business for North Shore micro-farmer
- Dahlias in Oregon: Planting for a Parade of Late-season Blooms
- Dahlias: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Dahlia Flowers
- Dahlias: top tips for growing & cutting
- Early legume intake linked to better nutrition in toddlers
- Effects of Polyhalite Fertilization on Skin Quality of Potato Tuber
- Employing CRISPR/Cas Technology for the Improvement of Potato and Other Tuber Crops
- Fall baking – how to make the most of root vegetables, tubers and pumpkin / squash
- Farmer’s livelihood goes up in flames: thousands of tubers destroyed
- Genetic architecture of post-harvest tuber quality traits in bush yam (Dioscorea praehensilis Benth.) germplasm through association mapping
- Genome-wide characterization of the GRF transcription factors in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and expression analysis of StGRF genes during potato tuber dormancy and sprouting
- Gluey mashed potatoes? What you’re doing wrong on Thanksgiving tubers
- Good Luck Finishing The 1-Pound Stuffed Baked Potatoes At Spectacular Tubers In Louisiana
- How Can Legumes Be Incorporated into a Healthy Diet?
- How digging up 150,000 plants revealed a way to boost nitrogen fixation in legumes
- How Indian indigenous tubers can be the hero of urban dining tables
- How Legume Technology aims to rescue Africa’s deteriorating soils
- How to Grow and Care for Dahlias
- How To Grow And Care For Sweet Potato Vines
- How to Grow Breathtaking Dahlias, According to a Gardening Pro
- How to Grow Potatoes in Your Home Garden
- How To Know When It’s Time To Harvest New Potatoes
- How to Plant and Grow Dahlias
- How to Plant and Grow Four O’Clock Flowers
- How to store dahlia tubers – an expert guide
- Is it too early to plant dahlias?
- Legume intake among older adults improves cardiometabolic risk factors
- Legumes and common beans in sustainable diets: nutritional quality, environmental benefits, spread and use in food preparations
- Mangaluru: ‘Kanda Mola Mela 2025’ opens, showcasing rare tubers & green varieties
- Mangaluru: Mangaluru to Host First Ever Exhibition on Tuber, Turnip, and Leafy Vegetables | Mangaluru News
- Margao hosts tuber bazaar to celebrate tribal heritage | Goa News
- Monty Don’s tip for ensuring dahlias tubers survive winter
- NIT-K gets patent for technology to produce irritation-free, ready-to-cook vegetable from tubers
- NITK earns patent to process tuber crops into ready-to-cook vegetables | Mangaluru News
- Nutritional status of Zombi pea (Vigna vexillata) as influenced by plant density and deblossoming
- Nutritive value and condensed tannins of tree legumes in silvopasture systems
- Pho1a (plastid starch phosphorylase) is duplicated and essential for normal starch granule phenotype in tubers of Solanum tuberosum L
- Planting Potatoes on St. Paddy’s Day Might Yield Spuds That Are Duds
- Planting Tubers, Colour Trends, 10 Varieties For 2024
- Postharvest dormancy-related changes of endogenous hormones in relation to different dormancy-breaking methods of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers
- Potentials of underutilized legumes in food security
- Reduced Enzymatic Browning in Potato Tubers by Specific Editing of a Polyphenol Oxidase Gene via Ribonucleoprotein Complexes Delivery of the CRISPR/Cas9 System
- Response of Potato Tuber Number and Spatial Distribution to Plant Density in Different Growing Seasons in Southwest China
- Rising allergies to lesser-known legumes
- Rooting for Tubers: A festival to celebrate diversity beneath the soil
- ScabyNet, a user-friendly application for detecting common scab in potato tubers using deep learning and morphological traits
- Sklarczyk Seed Farm Is Sustainably Growing Clean, Affordable Mini Tubers for the Potato Industry
- Steam explosion pretreatment enhancing enzymatic digestibility of overground tubers of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus L.)
- Stranded Salt River tubers rescued
- Stranded tubers rescued from island in Salt River
- Sustainable Intensification and Climate-Smart Yam Production for Improved Food Security in West Africa: A Review
- Swaziland’s Roots and Tubers Market Report 2024
- Sweet potato vine will die in cold, but regrow in spring | Home/Garden
- Sweet Potatoes: How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Sweet Potatoes
- Taro Tuber Location in Stardew Valley
- The Best Time Of Year To Plant Elephant Ear Tubers, And How To Do It
- The enhancement of photosynthetic performance, water use efficiency and potato yield under elevated CO2 is cultivar dependent
- The perilous past and promising future of a toxic but nourishing crop
- The Reason You Should Start Boiling Potatoes With The Skin Still On
- The Trick To Try With Your Potato Plants After Harvesting To Produce A Second Crop
- Time has come to dig up those caladium bulbs for spring planting | Education
- Tribal farmers to celebrate tubers, roots fest today
- Underutilized legumes: nutrient status and advanced breeding approaches for qualitative and quantitative enhancement
- Unraveling the fate of mycotoxins during the production of legume protein and other derived products
- Unraveling the rhythmic gene expression in legume-rhizobia symbiosis
- Variation and genetic basis of mineral content in potato tubers and prospects for genomic selection
- Warm Oct-Nov disrupts potato growth; farmers report 30% crop loss
- What Are Legumes?
- What Are Legumes? Types, Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, Cooking Methods, and More
- What Are Some Popular Legume Dishes from Around the World?
- What Are the Environmental Benefits of Growing Legumes?
- What Are the Main Types of Legumes?
- What Are the Nutritional Benefits of Legumes?
- What Is an Ube and Why Is It So Popular?
- When to Lift Dahlias and How to Store Them
- Why are potato prices high?
- World Pulses Day | United Nations
- Zimbabwe’s Roots and Tubers Market Report 2024
- Zinc Could Help Boost Legume Yields